Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dirty Secrets

Title: "Dirty Secrets: Why sexually abusive teachers aren't stopped"
Subtitle: A small but dangerous contingent of sexual predators lurks among the dedicated teachers in our nation's classrooms
Author: Jane Elizabeth Zemel and Steve Twedt
Published: October 31, 1999
Publisher: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Summary: First of a three part series. "The Post-Gazette has examined 727 cases across the U.S. in which an educator has lost his or her license for sex offenses during the past five years, and has found some disturbing trends.

Among them:
The number of teachers who have lost their licenses because of sex offenses has increased nearly 80 percent since 1994.

Several of those who lost their licenses were caught only after they had been molesting students for many years.

Offending teachers sometimes get help landing another teaching job from a unexpected source -- their former bosses. The practice is so well-known among educators that they refer to it by name. They call it "passing the trash."

TT - Links to additional articles in the series at bottom left sidebar.