Friday, January 5, 2007

ARTICLE - Teacher Performance

Article: "Report stresses teacher quality" Sub: "Panel says focusing on educators is best way to improve schools"
Written by: Terrence Stutz
Date: Jan 4, 2007
Published in: from Dallas Morning News

SUMMARY: A report released by the Governor's Business Council outlined a series of recommendations to the Legislature, focused mainly on teacher quality as the best way to improve public schools. The group says 82 percent of Texas graduates are not prepared for college or a good job in the workforce.

[TT - Sadly, the State Teachers Association spokesman contacted for a quote had little to say about the goals of the council as desirable as they are. It's the mandatory huff quote. The reporter misses some of the main points in the report that includes holding collegs of education accountable for the quality of their graduates, revise certificate programs to demonstrate classroom suitablity skills and prove the teacher has the skills needed in the classroom, give principals full hiring authority and hold them responsible for the teachers they hire, and a number of other reforms. ]
No links in the article, but can be found below.
Texans for Excellence in Classroom press release.
Excellence in the Classroom

[TT - it's a 15-page report and contains a number of reforms that are common sense and acknowledge what those of us who follow education issues have observed.]